About Us

Welcome to ShastaBiz, your go-to resource for finding local businesses and events in Shasta County. We created this app because, like many of you, we were frustrated with how hard it was to find local businesses and community events online.

In a world where everything is just a click away, we noticed that our local market was a bit behind—many businesses don’t have websites, and it’s tough to find what you need through a simple search.

Our goal is to change that. We want to make it easy for everyone in our community to find the businesses and events that matter to them. Whether you’re looking for a reliable plumber, a new restaurant to try, or a local event to attend, ShastaBiz has got you covered.

We’ve built this app to bring our community closer together, making it simple to support local businesses and stay connected with what’s happening in our area. So whether you’re a resident, a business owner, or just visiting, we hope you find ShastaBiz useful and easy to use.

Thank you for being a part of our community!

The ShastaBiz Team

Our awesome team

Eduardo Souza


Camila Souza



Mascot in Chief